Installing and troubleshooting PHP Edition installations

This article contains two parts. Click the below links to navigate to the section you need.

Installing PHP Editions on Windows

This example uses IPWorks as the product being installed.

When running the windows setup (.exe) the installer will automatically attempt to locate your PHP installation and install the extension to the correct location. It will also modify your php.ini file to include the extension.

After installation is complete, restart your web server so that the changes will be loaded.

In the case where the PHP installation cannot be automatically located, a manual installation will be required once the installer has completed. Please follow these steps to perform a manual installation:

1) Locate the "ext" folder of the /n software installation. There are four directories here. Each holds the extension that is compiled for the corresponding PHP version. These are:

php52nts (PHP 5.2 Not Thread Safe)
php52ts (PHP 5.2 Thread Safe)

php53nts (PHP 5.3 Not Thread Safe)
php53ts (PHP 5.3 Thread Safe)

Note: The PHP 5.3 extensions are compiled using VC9. In the case Apache with PHP 5.3 is being used, it requires extensions compiled using VC6. The folders "php53nts" and "php53ts" include a "vc6" sub-folder with an extension compiled using VC6 for this purpose.

2) Select the appropriate extension (.dll) and place this in the extension directory (as defined by the "extension_dir" setting in the php.ini).

3) Modify the php.ini to include the extension. For instance:


4) Restart your web server.

At this point the extension is successfully installed. You should now be able to successfully run any of the demos included in the toolkit.

Installing PHP Editions on Linux/Unix

The extension must be compiled and installed before it can be used. The instructions below detail this process.

  • zlib-devel package
  • openssl-devel package
1) The PHP Extension must first be built. To do this in the "ext" folder of the installation run the script.

You may also run the commands manually. These commands are:

./configure --enable-IPWorks
make install

This will create a file called "" in the "modules" folder.

2) The "make install" command should install the module to the shared extensions directory for the PHP installation. If this fails due to permissions, manually copy the "" file from the "modules" folder to the PHP extension directory as defined by the "extension_dir" setting in php.ini.

3) Modify the php.ini to include the extension. For instance:

4) Restart your Web Server.

At this point the extension is successfully installed. You should now be able to successfully run any of the demos included in the toolkit.

Troubleshooting PHP Edition Installations

The windows setup will attempt to complete the installation by reading and modifying the php.ini file and copying the extension dll to the extension_dir configured in the .ini file.

If you see an error indicating the XXX_XXX_open method can't be found, this usually indicates PHP cannot load the extension.

Please review the above installation instructions for your operating system to ensure the extension is set properly.

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