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Box & Dropbox added to Cloud Storage Integrator

A set of easy-to-use file and document storage components for integrating with popular cloud repositories like OneDrive, Amazon, Google Drive, SharePoint, and now and Dropbox.

New Editions of X12 & EDIFACT Integrators

All new editions of the X12 & EDIFACT Integrators are now available natively for C++, ActiveX/COM, Delphi, PHP, and more!

Visual Studio 2015 Support added across .NET Editions!

Updates for all .NET Editions are now available with support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.

Xamarin Editions Updated with PCL Support

Portable Class Libraries (PCL) allow users to create libraries that can be shared across mulitple platforms including Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Windows Phone. All Xamarin Editions now support inclusion in PCL packages.

Node.js Editions Released!

All Node.js Editions of IPWorks and Integrator products are now available and have been released to Red Carpet Subscriptions. Download the latest Node.js Editions online to get started.

IPWorks Auth V9 Released!

A powerful suite of components for embedding secure user authentication into web, desktop, and mobile apps. Supports OAuth, NTML, RADIUS, Kerberos, Claims-based Auth, LDAP, Certificate Management, and more.

Apple Swift support added to iOS and Mac Editions.

All iOS & Mac Editions of IPWorks and Integrator products have been updated with support for development with Apple Swift. Download the latest iOS Editions online to get started building apps with Swift.

NEW: EDIFACT Integrator

Offers the utmost in flexibility for developers and businesses interested in enabling their software systems with Internet EDI (EDIFACT) parsing and message generation capabilities.

NEW: IPWorks Auth V9 (Beta 2)

A powerful suite of components for embedding secure user authentication into web, desktop, and mobile apps. Supports OAuth, NTML, RADIUS, Kerberos, Claims-based Auth, LDAP, Certificate Management, and more.

NEW: Spreadsheet Integrator Released

Components for connecting applications with spreadsheets and spreadsheet data. Connect, create, and update spreadsheet data from Excel, Google, etc. from custom applications.