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... IPWorks SSH 2024 API Changes In most cases upgrading is seamless and requires no code changes ...

... IPWorks SSH 2022 API Changes In most cases upgrading is seamless and requires no code changes, as efforts have been made to maintain backwards compatibility. However, the release of IPWorks SSH 2022 includes several API changes ...

... Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with IPWorks SSH SSH servers may be configured to require TOTP or HOTP based two-factor authentication using libraries like libpam-google-authenticator. In that case when connecting a user will be prompte ...

... on June 25th 2024, describes behavior in the SFTPServer component of IPWorks SSH (.NET Edition), where ...

... Stream example with IPWorks SSH & SFTP The C++ editions of IPWorks SSH & IPWorks SFTP are able to use streams for transferring files. This is done by implementing an abstract class (a.k.a. making it concrete). For details on the ...

... FIPS 140-2 Compliance in SSL/TLS, SSH, SMIME and Cloud Components Requirements: One of the following libraries, but only for the specific OS/language combinations listed below. IPWorks IPWorks Encrypt IPWorks PGP IPWorks SMIME IPWorks SSL IPWorks https://www.nsoftware.com/kb/articles/fips

... the runtime license for each toolkit. For instance if you are using both IPWorks and IPWorks SSH, all of the components in IPWorks will use one runtime license value and all of the components in IPWorks SSH will use another run ...

... Using the Sftp.Queue method to do multiple simultaneous SFTP transfers The IPWorks SSH SFTP component's Queue method allows you to queue multiple file transfers and then execute them simultaneously by calling either the Download or Upload met ...

... SSH: Support CA signed client and host keys When working with large numbers of clients and servers using SSH CA signing may be beneficial to reduce the amount of work involved in key management. To briefly recap some of the benefits of this approach: CA Si ...

... Mitigating the SSH Terrapin Attack On December 18, 2023 the SSH Terrapin attack was publicly disclosed. This attack requires Man-in-the-Middle capabilities and that the connection be secured with ChaCha20-Poly1305 or CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC. Read more de ...