SecureBlackbox 16: (VCL) Can I use SecureBlackbox with THTTPRIO?

Note: This article applies only to SecureBlackbox Legacy. For future development please consider using the latest version.


Yes, this can be done in several ways:

  • HTTPRIO by default uses the WinInet library and this cannot be easily changed. If your installation of Delphi includes the source code, then you can enable a couple of compiler defines ( USE_INDY and INDY_CUSTOM_IOHANDLER ) and recompile the source code of HTTPRIO. HTTPRIO will then use Indy, and you can then use the IOHandler provided by SecureBlackbox with the THTTPReqResp component.

  • In SecureBlackbox 16, you will find a TElHTTPSReqResp helper class, which can be used to plug TElHTTPSClient as a transport for RIO. The class can be found in {SecureBlackbox}\Classes\RIO.

SOAP signing and encryption

Yes. In SecureBlackbox 16, you will find a TElOPToSoapDomConvert helper class, which can be used to process the messages as they are sent and received. The class can be found in {SecureBlackbox}\Classes\RIO.

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