NetCmdlets: FTP Test-RemotePath
Checking to see if a path exists on an FTP server is a very simple operation when using NetCmdlets. The below script shows how to check for the existence of a remote path.
param( [string] $server, [string] $user, [string] $password, [string] $path ) if ($server -eq $null) { $server = Read-Host "FTP Server [localhost]"; if ($server -eq $null) { $server = "localhost" } } $results = (Get-FTP -Server $server -User $user -Password $password -List "$($path)*") return ($results -ne $null) trap{ Write-Host "Exception occurred (please find more information below), script execution was terminated." break }
If you need to check if a directory exists before attempting an upload you can simply do:
PS> .\Test-RemotePath.ps1 -Server myhost -User test -Password test -Path Folder1/SubFolder
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