OpenPGP Code Example: Support for PGP 6.5.8
When this is set to True the component will read the features from the recipient key to determine if the older packet type is required. If the key does require the old packet type, then the older packet type will be used. If the key does not require the old packet type, then the new integrity protected packet type will still be used.
This setting is false by default meaning under no conditions is the older, less secure, packet type used. The newer integrity protected packet type is always used.
// Encrypt using the old packet format
pgp.InputMessage = inputMessage;
pgp.RecipientKeys.Add(new Key(publicKey, ""));
pgp.OutputFile = outputFile;
pgp.Overwrite = true;
pgp.EncryptingAlgorithm = "CAST5";
// Decrypt a message encrypted using the old packet format
pgp.OutputFile = decryptedFile
pgp.InputFile = encryptedFile;
pgp.Keys.Add(new Key(privateKey, "") { Passphrase = "test" });
Note that version 6.5.8 of PGP does not support AES, which is the algorithm used by the components by default. Instead, CAST5, IDEA, or 3DES must be used. These can be set via the EncryptionAlgorithm property as shown in the sample code above.
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