How do I add, replace, or delete attributes for an existing LDAP entry?

To add, replace, or delete attributes for an existing LDAP entry, first bind as a user with permissions to modify ldap.DN = "DOMAIN\\Administrator"; ldap.Password = "admin"; ldap.Bind(); Next, specify the attributes you'd like to add, replace, or delete. For example, to add: ldap.DN = "cn=SomeUser,cn=Users,dc=DOMAIN"; ldap.Attributes.Add(new LDAPAttribute("description", "added")); ldap.Modify(); To replace, the procedure is the same - just specify the ModOp for the attribute in question: ldap.DN = "cn=SomeUser,cn=Users,dc=DOMAIN"; ldap.Attributes.Add(new LDAPAttribute("description", "added", LDAPAttributeModOps.amoReplace)); ldap.Modify(); To delete, again, the procedure is the same - just specify the ModOp for the attribute in question: ldap.DN = "cn=SomeUser,cn=Users,dc=DOMAIN"; ldap.Attributes.Add(new LDAPAttribute("description", "added", LDAPAttributeModOps.amoDelete)); ldap.Modify(); Note: when modifying multi-valued attributes, like "url", only specify the type of the attr once. For example: ldap.Attributes.Add(new LDAPAttribute("url", "")); ldap.Attributes.Add(new LDAPAttribute("", "")); A replace on a multi-valued attribute will replace all values with the new one(s). A replace on any attribute with no value will have the same result as a delete with no value - all values of the attribute type in question will be deleted.

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