/n software - Knowledge Base
Recent Articles:
Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with IPWorks SSH
IPWorks SSH and IPWorks Auth can be used together to connect to servers requiring two-factor authentication.
How to set the LocalHost property when using the MCast or UDP component in Android Applications
Properly setting the LocalHost property with Android Applications using the MCast or UDP components.
How to immediately free up the local port used by a recently closed TCPServer component
Ensure that the OS immediately frees up the local TCP port that was used by an IPWorks component.
What's new in 3DS 2.3.1
This article details some of the new functionality available in version 2.3.1 of the EMV® 3-D Secure specification.
HTTP POST returns "303 See Other"
When I post with HTTP (or WebForm, WebUpload, etc), I get an HTTP Protocol error
Tracking Progress of an FTP Download or Upload
Web Server
Do you have a webserver component?
Error: Unbalanced Element Tag
A guide to dealing with the error
Amazon SQS: FIFO Queues
First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queues are supported in the AmazonSQS component.
Sent email not present in the sent mail folder.
This article shows how to append a sent email to a sent mail folder.
TLS/SSL Libraries and /n software Toolkits
TLS/SSL Implementation Options
Stream example with IPWorks SSH & SFTP
A basic example showing how to implement IPWorksSSHStream or IPWorksSFTPStream
Enable IGMPv2 for MCast
Force a specific IGMP version when using MCast on Windows
Licensing in .Net
Solutions to
HTTP: Authenticating as the Current User
Authenticating as the current user with the HTTP component.
Unicode Support in the C++ Editions
A How-To Guide
SSL Client Authentication
This entry covers what SSL client authentication is and how to do it with the /n software components.
What's new in 3DS 2.2.0
This article details some of the new functionality available in version 2.2.0 of the EMV® 3-D Secure specification.
Working with binary data in Delphi and C++ Builder
Delphi and C++ Builder editions use byte arrays (TBytes) to allow operating with binary data.
SMPP Multipart Messages
How to support multipart SMS messages.
C++ Builder:
Known issue with 32-bit Clang projects.
Sending messages through Clickatell
How to use the HTTP and JSON components with Clickatell
How do I send SMS messages?
How do I send SMS messages?
Common Windows Security Errors
Description of Security Errors 80090302, 8009030D, 8009030E, 80090304, 80090308, 80090325, 80090326, 80090327, 80090331, 8009035D, 8009030F, 80090321
TLS 1.3 Support
TLS 1.3 Support may be enabled in all editions.
Symantec/Norton Products detecting WS.Reputation.1
Symantec/Norton products, especially Symantec Endpoint Protection, may incorrectly detect
SSL: Error During Handshake: 80090308
This can occur if the remote host does not support implicit SSL.
.NET Core on Raspberry Pi
Use the .NET editions of any /n software product on the Raspberry Pi.
Client-Side Encryption with Cloud Storage Integrator
Cloud Storage integrator components provide strong client-side encryption functionality to help keep your data safe and private.
PipeExec and .NET 4.0 Console Input
In .NET 4.0 input from Pipes cannot be read by default.
Usage of C++ Edition Static Libraries
How to use the static libraries in the /n software C++ Editions.
What's New in Cloud Storage Integrator 2016
Cloud Storage Integrator 2016 Change and Migration Guide
Error Handling in C++
The return value of methods and GetLastError() provide information on errors in C++ editions
SNMP Code Example: Bulk Requests
How does the SendGetBulkRequest method on the SNMPMgr/SNMPTCPMgr component work?
Responding to SNMPv3 Discovery Requests
When using the SNMPAgent/SNMPTCPAgent you will either need to use the AddUser method or use the events to respond to the Discovery request sent by SNMPMgr/SNMPTCPMgr. This article will show you how to use the events to respond to a discovery request.
Setting msgMaxSize in SNMPv3
The msgMaxSize value can be set when using SNMPv3.
SNMP Code Example: Sending an SNMP trap with custom objects
Sending an SNMP trap with your own objects requires that you define the sysUpTime and snmpTrapOid objects manually first.
SNMP Code Example: Interpret a MAC or IP address value
By using the ValueB field of the Objects collection we can build a string representation of the MAC or IP address.
Responding to SNMPv3 Traps
This article will show you how to use events to receive and decode SNMPv3 traps.
SNMP Enterprise-specific Traps
How do I send an enterprise-specific trap?
HTML Parser
Do you have a component that can parse HTML?
Using the XML component to parse and write XML
The XML component combines the parsing and writing functionalities of the old XMLp and XMLw components.
SOAP and XML Code Example: Traversing XML with the XPath property
This entry describes the various ways to traverse XML using the XPath and other properties.
Creating a document in Google Drive.
How do I create a document in Google Drive using the GDrive component?
How do I handle the simulated folder structure using the GDrive component?
Google Drive doesn
Using the Sftp.Queue method to do multiple simultaneous SFTP transfers
The IPWorks SSH SFTP component supports doing multiple simultaneous transfers using the Queue method.
Zip: Encoding filenames with non-ASCII characters
Use either the Encoding or CodePage configuration option, depending on your language.
FTP Code Example: Resume an upload
If your transfer is interrupted you can use the StartByte property of the FTP component to resume the transfer.
Registering an OCX file
Both 32 bit and 64 bit OCX files are included in the setup. Only one can be registered at a given time.
Are /n software Components Thread Safe?
Only certain editions of /n software libraries are thread safe.
Getting Started with ZipStream
The ZipStream component provides a way to compress and decompress streamed data.
HTTP/2 Support
Details HTTP/2 support in IPWorks 2016.
RSA and DSA Asymmetric Encryption Basics
This article demonstrates the basics of asymmetric encryption with the RSA component from IPWorks Encrypt.
IPPort/IPDaemon: Receiving fixed-length data records
This article shows how to use RecordLength to received fixed-length data records
Passing Command Line Parameters with ZipSFX
ZipSFX supports command line parameters both in FileToExecute and the self-extracting archive.
OpenPGP Code Example: Support for PGP 6.5.8
PGP 6.5.8 can be supported via the AllowOldPacketType configuration setting.
BizTalk: using the SFTP and FTP Send adapter to download a file.
It is possible in newer versions of the SFTP and FTP adapter to download a file or list a directory using the Send adapters.
Preserving SFTP File Times
Allowing the Sftp component to preserve file times for uploads and downloads.
Silent Install Options
Explaining the Silent Install Options
SSH: Support CA signed client and host keys
Shows how to use CA signed client and host keys to ease key management.
FTP directories with spaces in them.
If the FTP site has a directory with a space in it, retrieving the directory will fail.
AS2 BizTalk: Messaging Engine failed to register an adapter
SSIS: Specify a certificate with variables for FTP and SFTP tasks
How to use variables and the Other property to specify a certificate.
BizTalk: Add multiple files to a Zip archive
Multiple files can be added to a Zip archive at one time by manually invoking a send pipeline.
LDAP: Connect to default Domain Controller using current user credentials
Connect to the default DC and authenticate with the current user.
FXP Transfers
Using the FTP component to perform Server to Server transfers
IPWorks IPC - How to create and use named pipes
How to use IPWorks IPC to create and use named pipes.
Swift Events
Implementing events in Swift.
Delphi: How can I change the password for a MS Active Directory account?
How to change a MS Active Directory account password using LDAP component in Delphi.
SSL: server certificate verification failed
When I attempt to connect, I get an error that the server certificate verification failed.
Encrypting and Decrypting with AES
This article shows how to encrypt and decrypt data using the AES component of IPWorks Encrypt.
How to make sure POODLE doesn
Use TLS 1.0 to make sure POODLE doesn
Specifying an AS2 filename
Filenames may be explicitly set. If no filename is set the default
Message length limited when using RSA public-key cryptography.
Messages being encrypted using RSA public-key cryptography must be shorter than the modulus of the public key.
IMAP email attachments and message parts
How to I decode email attachments and message parts with the IMAP component?
How should I use the BizTalk adapters in a group?
Use an Active/Passive configuration for reliability. <br>Use an Active/Active configuration for load balancing.
OpenSSL Heartbleed: Are your applications at risk?
Client and server solutions built on top of our /n software SSL cryptography, or those that implement SSL via the Windows cryptographic service provider algorithms, are completely unaffected.
Amazon SQS: CreateQueue not creating the queue.
I called the CreateQueue method, but it does not show in the SQS Management Console.
10035 WOULDBLOCK error
What is the 10035 WOULDBLOCK error and how do I handle it?
Write email contents to a file.
How can I save email contents to a file using the component?
How do I delete an FTP directory that has contents?
OFTPServer Code Example: Sending a file from a stream
OFTPServer can send files from a stream.
OFTP Code Example: Secure authentication
OFTPClient and OFTPServer support secure authentication.
IMAP moved message not being deleted.
When calling the MoveToMailbox method, the original message is not deleted.
Zip Code Example: Real time addition of files to an archive
The Zip component supports adding files to an archive as they become available.
AS3 Code Example: Sending and Receiving
Sample code for sending and receiving EDI data with AS3 is shown below.
Configure traffic throttling
How can I configure traffic throttling?
OpenPGP Code Example: Set the PGP Version header
When encrypting or signing the PGP Version header can be set to any value.
OpenPGP Code Example: Encrypt with .asc key file
Key files can be used directly to encrypt and verify signatures.
.Net components hang when accessing GUI from events
When I access the GUI from within the event of an asynchronous component, <p> <p>In .Net, GUI components have to be accessed only from the GUI thread. If you try updating GUI components while inside an event of an asynchronous component, the application could freeze.
Zip Code Example: Compress and Decompress to and from memory
An example of how to use the Zip component with streams to perform operations in memory.
Delphi: Fixing 'Undeclared Identifier' errors after installing the full version
When installing the full version over the trial version Delphi can continue to use old .pas files causing this error.
How do I use your BizTalk adapter dynamically or access promoted properties?
Our adapters promote all properties to allow configuration from within an orchestration.
Delphi: Support for Lazarus
The components can be used from Lazarus on Windows.
Certificate password length in Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 limits the length of a certificate password to at most 31 characters.
Unix and Mac OSX: Exclude unused components during compilation
Shows how to reduce the size of your compiled application by including only components you need.
Using ASP.NET Components in a Medium Trust Environment
This KB entry includes instructions on how to configure a custom security level to allow the components to work in a medium trust environment.
SSH: Server
When attempting to connect, I get the error
Fixing COM class factory error 80040154 when using ActiveX controls in .NET Applications
How to fix the error
ASP and ASP.NET - Write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy
This KB entry provides details about how to write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy (e.g. using the LocalFile property).
.NET DLL load time is slow, causing the components to be slow to respond
When an internet connection is not available, the .NET DLL file takes a long time to load causing the components to be slow to respond.
Ping: IPv6 support
IPWorks V8 supports using Ping with IPv6 addresses.
Delphi: Using the components in a Delphi package
This can be achieved following the steps below.
FTP Error: 550 SIZE Command Not Supported
This will occur when the component tries to calculate the percent complete for downloads.
Winsock Error 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
This is Winsock error 10060 which can occur for a variety of reasons.
Error Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
This occurs when more than one process attempts to bind to the same local port.
SOAP Code Example: Clearing or setting the method namespace prefix
The SOAP component will allow you to change the method
MIME Code Example: Recursive decoding
Shows how to use the MIME component to recursively decode a MIME message
SFTP: Server Error (4) Failure
This may happen if you do not have permission to upload to the specified location.
SFTP: Server Error (2) No such file or File not found
This error can occur when the RemotePath specified does not exist on the server.
How can I do a partial download with HTTP?
How can I do a partial download with HTTP?
SSIS: Configure a password property to use a User variable
You can set the value of a password property to point to a user variable.
SSIS: Using the DirList property of the FTP and SFTP receive tasks
Discussion on how the DirList property can be used.
SOAP Code Example: Using Complex Types
You can both send and receive complex types with the SOAP component.
SSIS: Error 0x8009000B Key not valid for use in specified state.
This happens because the password properties are marked as sensitive.
FTP Code Example: Upload from a stream
Shows how to use the component to upload from a stream.
Delphi: How do I use your components in IntraWeb?
You can create a local instance of the component.
FTP error:
The FTP server returns this error:
XMPP/Jabber group chat
How do I implement XMPP/Jabber group chat?
DataIn event not firing when expected
The DataIn event is not firing when I expect it to. How do I control this?
SOAP Request parameters not received by .Net web service
I have written a Web Service in VS.Net, but when I use the SOAP component to consume this service the parameters that I added to the SOAP request are not received in the web service.
Winsock Error 10054
Winsock Error 10054
Winsock error 10053
Winsock error 10053
External application error
FTP SSL through a NAT Firewall
FTP SSL through a NAT Firewall
HTMLMailer embedded images (image content Id
Does HTMLMailer support embedded images?
How do I add new entries with LDAP?
How do I add new entries with LDAP?
How do I add, replace, or delete attributes for an existing LDAP entry?
How do I add, replace, or delete attributes for an existing LDAP entry?
How do I sort LDAP search results?
How do I sort LDAP search results?
How do I list all LDAP users/members?
How do I list all LDAP users/members?
How do I list all LDAP groups?
How do I list all LDAP groups?
How do I list the LDAP groups that a user belongs to?
How do I list the LDAP groups that a user belongs to?
How do I list and modify the members of an LDAP group?
How do I list and modify the members of an LDAP group?
LDAP extended requests
Does your LDAP component support extended requests?
Change LDAP password?
How do I change an LDAP password with your component?
Do you have an OPML parser?
Do you have an OPML parser?
How do I check if my SMS was sent?
How do I check if my SMS was sent?
How do I move a message sent with the SMTP component to my Sent folder?
You can use the IMAP component to append a message to your Sent folder.
Why do i get FTP error 425 can
This occurs with the FTP component when there is a problem establishing the data connection between the client and server.
The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for
Why do I get the error:
Active Directory
Does your LDAP component support Active Directory?
Terminal Emulation (VT100, VT220)
Does your Telnet component support terminal emulation?
FTP Security Extensions (RFC 2228)
Does your FTP component support the FTP Security Extensions defined in RFC 2228?
What type of documents do the AS2 components support?
What type of documents do the AS2 components support?
What is EDI? What are AS1, AS2, and AS3?
What is EDI? What are AS1, AS2, and AS3?
Squid Proxy Support
Does IPWorks support Squid proxies?
How do I create your ActiveX objects dynamically?
How do I create your ActiveX objects dynamically?
Handshaking Error
With the controls from the IPWorks SSL/SSH toolkit I get the error
I own an older version of IPWorks but I cannot find it on your website.
I own an older version of IPWorks but I cannot find it on your website. Where can I download it?
Component doesn
When I unplug the cable, the component doesn
How do I tell if I am currently connected to the internet?
How do I tell if I am currently connected to the internet?
How can I forward an email and preserve its attachments?
How can I forward an email, including any attachments that it already has?
Winsock error 10013 WSAEACCES
I get Winsock error 10013 WSAEACCES (Permission Denied) whenever I attempt to use the ICMPPort, Ping, or Traceroute components.
I keep getting
XML data contains 3 garbage characters
I downloaded an XML file with your HTTP control, but the data is corrupted. There are three binary characters at the beginning of the file.
How do I decode email that I retrieve with POP?
The messages that I receive from the POP object are encoded when I receive them. Why do they appear like this, and how do I get them to display like commercial mail clients do?
Does CertMgr work w/ith a smart card certificate?
Does CertMgr work w/ith a smart card certificate?
How can I send binary data in Visual Fox Pro?
How can I send binary data in Visual Fox Pro?
IPMonitor cannot see outgoing packets
Does your NNTP control support the NEWNEWS command?
Does your NNTP control support the NEWNEWS command? I don
How do I change the encryption algorithm for the controls in the SMIME or EDI Editions?
How do I change the encryption algorithm for the controls in the SMIME toolkit?
ICMPPort, Ping, Traceroute Access Denied
Whenever I try to set the ICMPPort, Ping, or Traceroute component to Active = true, I get a
How do I send binary data over the network using VB?
I need to exchange some binary data between my applications over the network. What is the easiest way to accomplish this?
Can I change the permission settings when I upload a file onto an FTP server?
I want to upload a file onto an FTP server, but I would also like to change the permission settings when I do. Is this possible with your controls?
How do I send extra commands and site specific services with the FTP control?
How do I send extra commands and site specific services with the FTP control?
Accessing Events within a VB DLL
Can I trap for the IPPORT1_DataIn event within a DLL?
What are the error events good for?
I cannot seem to trap any error in the Error event...
Messages not deleted from POP server?
I am having trouble getting the POP component to delete messages.
How do I transfer binary data with your controls?
How do I transfer binary data with your controls?
How can I find out IP address of the localhost?
How can I find out IP address of the localhost?
The FTP server says
When trying to upload a file with the help of FTP component the remote FTP server complains about command unrecognized.
How do I send binary data over the network using C++?
How do I send binary data over the network using IPWorks C++ Edition?
Application hanging when reaching end of execution?
An application seems to hang when the end of execution is reached.
Firing events under FoxPro
Why do events sometimes not fire in FoxPro?
Netclock specification
Does the NetClock implement the SNTP protocol?
Whenever I try to use the components on Form_Load() I get an
How to Transfer a License
Submit a license transfer request to transfer a license.
How do I perform a DSE (Directory Specific Entries) search with the LDAP component?
MCast with multiple Network Interfaces
I am working on a machine with multiple network interfaces. How can I select which interface to use when sending MCast datastrings?
ICMPPort does not recieveType 8 (
I am using ICMPPort to receive type 8
Avoiding FTP
I need some tips about an error that occurs me at my client
Standard Error Event in Rexec/Rshell
The Standard Error event is fired sometimes after the Disconnected event. How can I distinguish this case?