/n software - Knowledge Base
Recent SSIS Components Articles:
Deploy /n software SSIS Tasks to Azure Data Factory
Deploy an SSIS Package with /n software components to the Azure Data Factory Cloud
SSL: server certificate verification failed
When I attempt to connect, I get an error that the server certificate verification failed.
Delphi: Support for Lazarus
The components can be used from Lazarus on Windows.
SSH: Server
When attempting to connect, I get the error
Fixing COM class factory error 80040154 when using ActiveX controls in .NET Applications
How to fix the error
ASP and ASP.NET - Write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy
This KB entry provides details about how to write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy (e.g. using the LocalFile property).
.NET DLL load time is slow, causing the components to be slow to respond
When an internet connection is not available, the .NET DLL file takes a long time to load causing the components to be slow to respond.
SFTP: Server Error (2) No such file or File not found
This error can occur when the RemotePath specified does not exist on the server.
SFTP Task for SSIS
Introduction to the /n software SFTP Task for SSIS