/n software - Knowledge Base
Recent IPWorks SNMP Articles:
IPWorks SNMP 2024 API Changes
This article details the API differences between IPWorks SNMP 2022 and IPWorks SNMP 2024.
How to immediately free up the local port used by a recently closed TCPServer component
Ensure that the OS immediately frees up the local TCP port that was used by an IPWorks component.
IPWorks SNMP 2022 API Changes
This article details the API differences between IPWorks SNMP 2020 and IPWorks SNMP 2022.
C++ Builder:
Known issue with 32-bit Clang projects.
Symantec/Norton Products detecting WS.Reputation.1
Symantec/Norton products, especially Symantec Endpoint Protection, may incorrectly detect
.NET Core on Raspberry Pi
Use the .NET editions of any /n software product on the Raspberry Pi.
Client-Side Encryption with Cloud Storage Integrator
Cloud Storage integrator components provide strong client-side encryption functionality to help keep your data safe and private.
What's New in Cloud Storage Integrator 2016
Cloud Storage Integrator 2016 Change and Migration Guide
Getting Started with IPWorks SNMP
Learn about the IPWorks SNMP toolkit, and see examples of how to use it.
Responding to SNMPv3 Discovery Requests
When using the SNMPAgent/SNMPTCPAgent you will either need to use the AddUser method or use the events to respond to the Discovery request sent by SNMPMgr/SNMPTCPMgr. This article will show you how to use the events to respond to a discovery request.
Setting msgMaxSize in SNMPv3
The msgMaxSize value can be set when using SNMPv3.
SNMP Code Example: Sending an SNMP trap with custom objects
Sending an SNMP trap with your own objects requires that you define the sysUpTime and snmpTrapOid objects manually first.
SNMP Enterprise-specific Traps
How do I send an enterprise-specific trap?
Using the XML component to parse and write XML
The XML component combines the parsing and writing functionalities of the old XMLp and XMLw components.
Delphi: Support for Lazarus
The components can be used from Lazarus on Windows.
Fixing COM class factory error 80040154 when using ActiveX controls in .NET Applications
How to fix the error
ASP and ASP.NET - Write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy
This KB entry provides details about how to write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy (e.g. using the LocalFile property).
.NET DLL load time is slow, causing the components to be slow to respond
When an internet connection is not available, the .NET DLL file takes a long time to load causing the components to be slow to respond.
Delphi: Using the components in a Delphi package
This can be achieved following the steps below.
Winsock Error 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
This is Winsock error 10060 which can occur for a variety of reasons.
Error Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
This occurs when more than one process attempts to bind to the same local port.