/n software - Knowledge Base
Recent IPWorks SSL Articles:
IPWorks SSL 2024 API Changes
This article details the API differences between IPWorks SSL 2022 and IPWorks SSL 2024.
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Support
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Support
HTTP POST returns "303 See Other"
When I post with HTTP (or WebForm, WebUpload, etc), I get an HTTP Protocol error
Tracking Progress of an FTP Download or Upload
Web Server
Do you have a webserver component?
TLS/SSL Libraries and /n software Toolkits
TLS/SSL Implementation Options
SMPP Multipart Messages
How to support multipart SMS messages.
How do I send SMS messages?
How do I send SMS messages?
Common Windows Security Errors
Description of Security Errors 80090302, 8009030D, 8009030E, 80090304, 80090308, 80090325, 80090326, 80090327, 80090331, 8009035D, 8009030F, 80090321
Symantec/Norton Products detecting WS.Reputation.1
Symantec/Norton products, especially Symantec Endpoint Protection, may incorrectly detect
SSL: Error During Handshake: 80090308
This can occur if the remote host does not support implicit SSL.
.NET Core on Raspberry Pi
Use the .NET editions of any /n software product on the Raspberry Pi.
Client-Side Encryption with Cloud Storage Integrator
Cloud Storage integrator components provide strong client-side encryption functionality to help keep your data safe and private.
What's New in Cloud Storage Integrator 2016
Cloud Storage Integrator 2016 Change and Migration Guide
Using the XML component to parse and write XML
The XML component combines the parsing and writing functionalities of the old XMLp and XMLw components.
FTP Code Example: Resume an upload
If your transfer is interrupted you can use the StartByte property of the FTP component to resume the transfer.
Swift Events
Implementing events in Swift.
SSL: server certificate verification failed
When I attempt to connect, I get an error that the server certificate verification failed.
How to make sure POODLE doesn
Use TLS 1.0 to make sure POODLE doesn
Write email contents to a file.
How can I save email contents to a file using the component?
How do I delete an FTP directory that has contents?
IMAP moved message not being deleted.
When calling the MoveToMailbox method, the original message is not deleted.
Delphi: Support for Lazarus
The components can be used from Lazarus on Windows.
Certificate password length in Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 limits the length of a certificate password to at most 31 characters.
Fixing COM class factory error 80040154 when using ActiveX controls in .NET Applications
How to fix the error
ASP and ASP.NET - Write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy
This KB entry provides details about how to write data directly to a browser without creating a local copy (e.g. using the LocalFile property).
.NET DLL load time is slow, causing the components to be slow to respond
When an internet connection is not available, the .NET DLL file takes a long time to load causing the components to be slow to respond.
Delphi: Using the components in a Delphi package
This can be achieved following the steps below.
FTP Error: 550 SIZE Command Not Supported
This will occur when the component tries to calculate the percent complete for downloads.
Winsock Error 10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
This is Winsock error 10060 which can occur for a variety of reasons.
Error Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
This occurs when more than one process attempts to bind to the same local port.
SOAP Code Example: Clearing or setting the method namespace prefix
The SOAP component will allow you to change the method
SOAP Code Example: Using Complex Types
You can both send and receive complex types with the SOAP component.
FTP error:
The FTP server returns this error:
XMPP/Jabber group chat
How do I implement XMPP/Jabber group chat?
DataIn event not firing when expected
The DataIn event is not firing when I expect it to. How do I control this?
SOAP Request parameters not received by .Net web service
I have written a Web Service in VS.Net, but when I use the SOAP component to consume this service the parameters that I added to the SOAP request are not received in the web service.
How do I add new entries with LDAP?
How do I add new entries with LDAP?
How do I add, replace, or delete attributes for an existing LDAP entry?
How do I add, replace, or delete attributes for an existing LDAP entry?
How do I sort LDAP search results?
How do I sort LDAP search results?
How do I list all LDAP users/members?
How do I list all LDAP users/members?
How do I list all LDAP groups?
How do I list all LDAP groups?
How do I list the LDAP groups that a user belongs to?
How do I list the LDAP groups that a user belongs to?
How do I list and modify the members of an LDAP group?
How do I list and modify the members of an LDAP group?
LDAP extended requests
Does your LDAP component support extended requests?
Change LDAP password?
How do I change an LDAP password with your component?
Do you have an OPML parser?
Do you have an OPML parser?
How do I check if my SMS was sent?
How do I check if my SMS was sent?
How do I move a message sent with the SMTP component to my Sent folder?
You can use the IMAP component to append a message to your Sent folder.
Why do i get FTP error 425 can
This occurs with the FTP component when there is a problem establishing the data connection between the client and server.
The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for
Why do I get the error:
Active Directory
Does your LDAP component support Active Directory?
Terminal Emulation (VT100, VT220)
Does your Telnet component support terminal emulation?
FTP Security Extensions (RFC 2228)
Does your FTP component support the FTP Security Extensions defined in RFC 2228?