Follow-Up Support Request
If you would like to send in a sample project or a piece of sample code to demonstrate the issue you are having, or if a support representative from /n software requests that you do so, please try to follow these guidelines:
- For your own benefit please try to scale down your sample projects to the basic code that replicates the issue. By sending in small, clean code samples our support team will be able better assist you.
- Remove any references or dependencies on external libraries. Due to security concerns support personnel will not register external libraries, or run EXE's.
- All sample projects should be minimal and packaged in zip format before being attached sent to our support staff.
- Before sending sample projects or files, please make sure that you have opened a support issue using our online
support form, and that you have referred to your issue number in the subject of your email.
Following these simply guidelines will assist our support staff in resolving your issue. If our support staff can replicate a problem they will be able to quickly resolve the situation.