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... Manage Exchange Server Remotely With PowerShell Server Requirements: PowerShell Server Microsoft Exchange Any SSH Client Introduction Microsoft Exchange contains the Exchange Management Shell which is built on Windows PowerShell ...

... PowerShell Server: Cannot load Windows PowerShell snap-in Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.e2010 Problem Description When attempting to load the Microsoft Exchange 2010 cmdlets in PowerShell Server you may see the follow ...

... Obtaining Current User Information in PowerShell Server. Depending on your PowerShell Server settings sometimes getting session user information from the server might return unexpected results. For example if you are running you ...

... Getting started with SSH Reverse Tunnels In PowerShell Server Contents Overview Creating an SSH Reverse Tunnel Using an SSH Reverse Tunnel Overview SSH Reverse Tunnels provide a way to allow connections to network resources that would not typ ...

... PowerShell Server: Setting up Dynamic Port Forwarding Introduction It is possible to use PowerShell ...

... Does the Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability Affect PowerShell Server? Recently the OpenSSL project announced a serious security vulnerability in the OpenSSL libraries nicknamed “Heartbleed”. The Heartbleed bug is a major vulnerability in the po ...

... PowerShell Server: Changing the Terminal Width The PowerShell terminal defaults to a width of 80 ...

... PowerShell Server Error: User Not Granted the Requested Logon Type Certain PowerShell Server settings will require special permissions on the system to allow the user log on with the requested logon type. The following error ind ...

... PowerShell Server: Unable to execute Virtual Box commands. Problem Description When attempting to manage Virtual Box VMs from the PowerShell Server prompt, the user may see the following error: .\VBoxManage.exe : VBoxManage.exe: ...

... Getting Started With PowerShell Server Introduction PowerShell Server is a full-featured SSH 2.0 server that enables Windows Desktops and Servers with a secure remote entry point to a Windows PowerShell Host. This gives users th ...