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... PowerShell ASP: Could not load file or assembly nsoftware.PowerShellASP in IIS. Problem Description When creating a handler mapper to support PowerShell ASP in IIS you can sometimes get the following error: Could not load file or assembly nsoftware.PowerSh ...

... PowerShell Adapter for Microsoft BizTalk Requirements: /n software Adapters for Microsoft BizTalk Introduction The /n software Adapters for Microsoft BizTalk include fully-managed .NET Adapters that seamlessly integrate with the BizTalk Messaging Pipeline. ...

... PowerShell Server: Getting started with SSL Tunnels Contents Overview Creating an SSL Tunnel Using ...

... . It is recommended to disable PowerShell ASP from within the PowerShell Server GUI. IIS simply uses ...

... How PowerShell Server Can Secure Legacy SSL Connections with TLS 1.2 Support Contents Overview ...

... impersonation for PowerShell Server is to ensure that Windows Authentication has been enabled for the site and that Anonymous Authentication has been disabled. Open IIS and select your site (see red box in the image below). Open the Authenti ...

... PowerShell Server: SFTP Scripting Introduction By default, the SFTP Server will act as a standard SFTP server and provide file management functionality for the specified root directory. In some cases, it may be desirable to implement advanced ...

... PowerShell ASP: List Current Sessions of Machines on an Active Directory Domain Requirements: PowerShell Server PSTerminalServices Overview By combining several techniques, this article walks through creating a page that lists the current ses ...

... PowerShell ASP: Create Dyanmic Web Content With PowerShell PowerShell Server includes an ASP-like PowerShell based template language for building web applications and making PowerShell scripts web accessible. This template language, PowerShel ...