Unicode Support in the C++ Editions

Unicode characters can be used in all of our editions, including the C++ editions. This KB entry will cover how to work with Unicode in the C++ editions. When working with Unicode, wide character strings should be used anytime a regular string is required.

Support for Unicode is handled differently in newer versions (2020+) than older versions. This KB covers how to work with all versions and additionally how to update old code.

Newer Versions (2020+)

In 2020 and later, Unicode support is handled with a set of header files that allow the components to work with wide character strings. To use them add the /include/unicode folder to your include path.

Updating old code...

To update older code only these two steps should be required:

  1. Update the include path to point to /include/unicode.
  2. Remove the "W" suffix from any class/type name.

Older Versions (2016-)

In 2016 and older, Unicode support is handled with a set of parallel classes that work with wide character strings. These classes have the same name as the regular classes, but with a W suffix (e.g. IPPort with Unicode support is IPPortW).


These examples are functionally equivalent.

2016 2020
class mySFTP : public SFTPW { public: virtual int FireSSHServerAuthentication(SFTPSSHServerAuthenticationEventParamsW* e) { e->Accept = true; return 0; } virtual int FireSSHStatus(SFTPSSHStatusEventParamsW* e) { OutputDebugStringW(e->Message); return 0; } }; int main() { mySFTP sftp; sftp.SetSSHUser((LPWSTR)L"user"); sftp.SetSSHPassword((LPWSTR)L"password"); sftp.SSHLogon((LPWSTR)L"sftp.server.com", 22); sftp.ListDirectory(); sftp.SSHLogoff(); } class mySFTP : public SFTP { public: virtual int FireSSHServerAuthentication(SFTPSSHServerAuthenticationEventParams* e) { e->Accept = true; return 0; } virtual int FireSSHStatus(SFTPSSHStatusEventParams* e) { OutputDebugStringW(e->Message); return 0; } }; int main() { mySFTP sftp; sftp.SetSSHUser((LPWSTR)L"user"); sftp.SetSSHPassword((LPWSTR)L"password"); sftp.SSHLogon((LPWSTR)L"sftp.server.com", 22); sftp.ListDirectory(); sftp.SSHLogoff(); }

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